Diversity Employer Gold 2023 goes to Waystream

Every year, Women Ahead awards the Diversity Employer Gold award 🌟🌟Diversity Employer Gold 2023 🌟🌟. The award demonstrates the company's ambition for an organization where equality and diversity permeate.

Equality requires a long-term perspective and a strategic way of working. All independent surveys show that equal companies where inclusion and diversity are prioritized are more profitable.

The justification reads:

"For Waystream, there is no excuse when it comes to working completely equally, they don't accept the excuse that it doesn't work. As part of their sustainability plan, they actively work to be an equal company from all aspects. They are a company that imbues a great commitment to diversity and equality with good values"

If you want to know more, read here: https://womenahead.se/diversity-employer-gold/

diversity gold